
Ada Mone

Junior Program Manager

Ada Mone has a Bachelor’s degree in Languages, Cultures, Literature, and Translation from the University of Rome La Sapienza and a Master’s degree in Semiotics from the University of Bologna.
During her academic career, she spent a few months in Spain, working on the island of Ibiza and attending an intensive Spanish language course at the Colegio Internacional de Alicante. Back in Italy, she did a full-time internship at the Laboratori Linguistici de La Sapienza.
Among her last educational experiences, we mention the course of Social Media Training by Luca La Mesa and Copywriting by Erica Igue; while among her latest work experiences she has been part of the team of the multinational business center IWG as a Community Associate, worked as a translator and manages the social pages of a Bologna-based activity.

Ada has been working at Bologna Business School since April 2022 as a Junior Program Manager in the EMBAs area.