Sustainability Transition Management (Part-time)

The Master in Sustainability Transition Management has the aim to equip participants with tools and knowledge to develop a professional career internationally in the global sustainability arena.

COVID-19 outbreak has changed our lives and our work habits. Pressurized to tackle the coming recession and high unemployment levels, governments might roll back much needed environmental regulations and monitoring systems, resulting for example in companies releasing an excess of toxic pollutants or CO2 emissions into the environment. In order to face this global challenge, it is much needed to maintain the focus on sustainability, to help transition from the tragic reality of the pandemic and all the social problems it has revealed into a much better future where individuals, companies and institutions work together to enhance social and natural well-being.

The Program is rooted in the Sustainability Transition framework, which identifies five main transition pathways in industry, energy, urban systems, agriculture and mobility. The programs will focus on all these five pillars, thus providing participants with a systemic view of how sustainability can be translated into tangible economic, environmental and social outcomes. 

The master is a hybrid program, 80% online, and 20% in presence. The online teaching sessions take place two evenings a week (Tuesday and Thursday 06:00 p.m. – 09:00 p.m. CET) and on Saturday (10:00 a.m. – 1 p.m. CET). Each session lasts about 3 hours.  The residential classes will take place at Bologna Business School, one week on campus in April 2025 and one week in October 2025. During the residential classes, the participants will attend laboratories, Company visits, and events in collaboration with the business network.

Italy represents the right place to improve your skills on sustainability transition and develop a new mindset ready for the “new normal”.

Key facts:

• The University of Bologna ranks 1st in EU and 6th in the world in sustainability (FT Global Ranking 2020).

• Bologna will host the new European Weather Forecast Data Centre of the ECMRW

• Data science for sustainability represents a core capability of the Bologna business ecosystem

• Italy ranks 1st in EU with +25% growth rate of companies that implement sustainability practices and 2nd (after Luxembourg) in resource efficiency outcomes.

• The Italian energy giant Enel Green Power is one of the largest renewable-energy companies in the world, with 46 gigawatts of installed capacity.

• The clean technologies market in Italy is around 30 billion euros.




Bologna Business School is EQUIS – EFMD Quality Improvement System accredited, one of the most important international quality assessment and continuous improvement systems for Schools of Management and Business Administration.

Matteo Mura

Matteo Mura

Director of Studies

" Our students will be equipped with all the tools necessary to make a difference in the sustainability arena. We are proud to train new leaders who take into account the importance of sustainability transition, renewable energies and the SDGs. Thanks to an international faculty and prestigious guests, participants will receive training with the right balance between theory and practice. "






The Master is a part-time hybrid program structured in 280 hours of online lessons and 80 hours on campus at Bologna Business School.

The Master Kick Off will take place in December 2024, while the lessons will start in January 2025.

The residential classes will take place at the Bologna Business School, one week in April 2025 and one week in October 2025.

During the residential classes participants will attend sustainability transition laboratories, participate to company visits and other events in collaboration with the business network of the Bologna Business School.

During the on campus weeks, students will attend the following courses and laboratories:

  • Industrial Transition
  • Energy Transition
  • Urban Transition
  • Agricultural Transition
  • Mobility Transition


The role of organizations in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals with particular attention to how this process of change in the development model affects enterprises and their organisational models. In this context it becomes interesting to evaluate how the onset of the pandemic has modified, in an open situation not yet foreseeable, the potential role of the enterprise to support the transformative resilience of society. We will examine in depth contexts and organizational models in evolution, by sector clusters.
Petrini Elisa

The new sustainable transformation global agenda calls for a transdisciplinaryand interdisciplinaryanalysis of society’s complexityand crises. Environmental Economics gain hence a central role focusing on governingeconomicactivity while promoting sustainability, justice and well-being. Focusing on shared prosperity, human centered development and circular economy international leading agendas define the road forward. The United Nations 2030 Agenda andthe SDGs act as roadmapfor sustainability transition and globallocal andbusiness level. A call for all stakeholders, to collaborate and cooperate defining the necessary solutions to thepressing problems of Climate and Water Crisis, Inequalities, andSocial Justiceand contributefor a sustainable and resilientfuture. This course aimsat converging different agendas and systemic thinking surroundingecologicaleconomics and analyze the contribution toward the SDGs and Sustainable Development. Furthermore,aiming developing a critical thinking toward identified problems and solutions. With a focuson the centralrole ofentrepreneurshipand businesssectoras a driver of innovation and change.

Arvaniti Maria

Human-caused climate change is one of the most serious issue of our time and it portends
unprecedented environmental changes for our societies and future generations. Terms like “global
warming”, “climate change” or “greenhouse effect” are nowadays commonly used by non-specialists,
although this is often done without a clear understanding of the science behind them. Understanding
the science of human-caused climate change is essential to understand the economic, political and
moral dimension of it, and ultimately to tackle it. The objective of this course is to explain the basics of
the climate change science in a concise yet rigorous way, providing the scientific knowledge which
underlies all aspect of the human-induced climate change problem.

Pascale Salvatore

The course focuses on the geographies and geopolitics of climate and environmental change and the related socio-ecological and political challenges. It aims to provide an overview on the development of climate and environmental thought, politics and governance and it adopts geographical approaches to reflect on the key actors, processes and conflicts. These issue are analyzed at a global scale together with regional focus in the Global South especially in Central and Southeast Asia.

Zinzani Andrea

The purpose of this module is to increase awareness of the role and functioning of modern corporations as sustainability challenges, opportunities, and solutions emerge. My objective is to enhance our collective awareness of the multiplicity of issues associated with sustainability and explore what all of this means for firms. Towards this end, I have outlined three facets of sustainability – adapting to new demands, dealing with multiple stakeholders and creating a temporal horizon– that can serve as the basis for deepening your understanding of issues connected with sustainability.

Over the last decade sustainability, corporate social responsibility and stakeholder management practices have become paramount for companies as well as for the society at large. Although most companies have developed sustainability programs over the years, as they’re cutting carbon emissions, reducing waste, and otherwise enhancing operational efficiency, we are witnessing a mishmash of sustainability tactics that does not add up to a sustainable strategy. To endure, a sustainable strategy has to cope with the competing – and apparently divergent – interests of all stakeholders: investors, employees, customers, governments, NGOs, and society.

In this context corporate Performance Measurement Systems (PMS) play a key role as they help companies to formalize and implement their sustainable strategies as well as to proactively identify new trajectories that help companies to appropriately reconcile the trade-offs between different stakeholders’ wants and needs.


Zanni Sara

This course is premised on the notion that sustainability represents a fundamental paradox: at the current moment, sustainability presents itself as a goal that can only be achieved through a radical transformation of the ways that we relate to each other and the environment—sustainability is premised upon the unavoidability of transformation. The goal of this course is therefore not to import one or several ethical theories into the world of business and commerce in order to form moral judgments about business practices, or to train business leaders to be more efficient decision makers.  Our task is to identify and navigate ethical dilemmas that arise when we entertain sustainability as a guiding principle for our individual, organizational, and global actions.

Valgenti Robert

The course will allow students to gain a solid and robust understanding of how institutional investors finance and invest in the renewable energy sector: how to assess the key commercial, legal, macro-economic and technological risks, what tools to use to mitigate them, and how to measure return on investment. Students will solve a real life business case where they will learn how to use a financial model that forecasts on a 20+ year horizon the profit & loss, balance sheet, cash-flow statement of a renewable energy company.

Ghetti Riccardo

Overall aim of this course is to cover the most important aspects of value chain, including those aspects that concern interorganizational/supply chain or intraorganizational issues, e.g., sourcing and distribution, and to explain how sustainability-oriented innovation needs to be considered across all the aspects. Above all, instead of sustainability being treated separately, the intention in this course is that sustainability-oriented approach is considered in the context of each topic.

Miandar Toloue

The ultimate purpose of the course is to explore the many dimensions of new venture creation & growth in independent as well corporate settings looking at both process and people involved in assessing ideas, exploiting opportunities, and converting concepts into green and sustainable businesses that can really add up to a global sustainable strategy. The candidates will develop a methodological toolkit to design, understand, and evaluate green business projects. The capstone project for this course will require you to work as a team of consultants offering advice to a real-world green start-ups, using the tools you have accumulated in the course.

Pastore Alessandro

The great social challenges of our time, incorporated into the 2030 agenda of the United Nations through the objectives of sustainable development and the crisis of modern capitalism based on maximum shareholder value, require a change of course in traditional business models and put the issue of corporate sustainability back at the centre. In this context, a new model of entrepreneurship is emerging where companies respond to social problems through new models, methods and products and services combining the objectives of economic and financial performance with the pursuit of a positive social impact. The module addresses the main concepts, approaches and practices to understand the main forms of social innovation and their impact on production and organisational processes and the effects on the reputation of enterprises.

Moving from linear to circular economy needs a complete rethinking of products, processes and supply chains. This transition calls for the adoption of an anticipatory approach based on which the life-span, the functions, and the generation of waste should be kept in mind in the design stage to identify and prevent potential impacts in each step of the value chain but also maximize, add and maintain value in the further loops. Despite the existence of waste management systems, materials are still a pervasive presence in the environment, with resulting social concerns. By reconnecting societal needs and environmental pressures with company value proposition, externalities can be reduced, and value can be shared. Circular economy is the way to embrace corporate responsibility: reuse, repair, refurbish, remanufacture and repurpose, over than recycling, are among the circular strategies that support organizations to address a socio-technical innovation and change the business models in a sustainable way.

Foschi Eleonora

The course “geohazard and sustainability” will focus on the importance of geohazard and risk management in sustainable development. The environmental factors controlling and promoting the occurrence of a variety of natural events (e.g., earthquakes, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, extreme climatic events) will be analyzed, and the impact of these events on the environment, society, and business will be discussed, also with the help of guest lecturers
from business, industry, and public institutions.
The objectives of the course are: i) to help the students understand the importance of identifying, assessing, and managing geohazards in pursuing the UN SDGs, ii) to provide the students with a basic background on the factors that control the occurrence of natural events and disasters, iii) to raise the attention to the potential effects that natural hazards may have on business and society, and iv) to highlight the long-term effects that human activity can have on the environment.

Donati Davide
  • Global energy scenario: production, demand and forecasts
  • Circular economy and energy production (low enthalpy thermal waste recovery and waste management for energy purposes).
  • Smart Energy Districts
  • Hydrogen production and dispatch
Ancona Maria Alessandra

This course addresses the challenges facing executives of modern business who need to deal with increasing community expectations for economic, societal and environmental sustainability of their organizations. Contemporary, economics-based models of firms and markets are used to analyze a wide range of strategic real-world scenarios. Students will learn how to identify and choose a superior competitive position, gain and sustain competitive advantage, and how to create an organizational context to make the chosen strategy work. They will also be exposed to analytic tools that help them in making strategic decisions. The single biggest concern of senior executives in global surveys year after year is that their business models are not innovative and therefore, noncompetitive. A related concern is that, absent an innovative model, their company can easily be disrupted. Academic studies have conclusively demonstrated that the highest return on innovation
investment is in the creation of innovative business models.

Esposito Mark


The integration with companies is a priority and an ever-present feature of all programs of the Bologna Business School, hence for the Master in Sustainability Transition Management.

The School is fully committed to creating employability, by way of a systematic career service action, constantly focused on matching at best the students’ professional projects with the needs companies have.

At the end of the didactic activities an internship or project work will allow participants to apply what they have learned and to use tools and competencies acquired.

The BBS Career Service assists and supports students since the very beginning, along a training and professional development path. This is accomplished by organizing a series of workshops, with the aim of providing the fundamental tools and resources to be appropriately prepared for the labor market.

In addition,thanks to the collaboration with professional career counselors, students receive a customized service, in order to understand their strengths and to build a professional development plan, which will turn out to be helpful when looking for an internship. Here follow some of the activities:

  • Initial guidance interviews
  • Specific interviews, focused on one’s own career plan
  • Continuous support to students with one – to – one sessions


Virna Psarra – Greece

ESG Assistant, Gruppo Florence
Master in Sustainability Transition Management (A.Y.2020/2021)

"The Master in Sustainability Transition Management not only broadened my horizons by bringing me in contact with professors, guest speakers and fellow sustainability believers (in our class we love to call ourselves climate hooligans) that are committed to the sustainability vision, but also gave me the opportunity to shift my career by combining two things that I love & I am passionate for: sustainability & fashion. This master was by far the best choice I have made these last years."

Tommaso Bastardi – Italy

Packaging & Material Engineer, COESIA
Master in Sustainability Transition Management (A.Y.2020/2021)

"The Master in Sustainability Transition Management allowed me to get involved by expanding my points of view with a more complete view on things, also considering their economic, social and environmental aspects. Thanks to this Master and its format, I had the opportunity to meet many people from all over the world, sharing and discussing different themes, experiences and adventures. Sustainability also means improving, developing and innovating "

Letizia Benvenuti – Italy

Sustainability Senior Consultant, SCS Consulting
Master in Sustainability Transition Management (A.Y.2020/2021)

"During my master's degree, I became passionate about the opportunities that combine the technological innovation with sustainable development, to support transformation towards more sustainable industries and businesses. To face this great challenge, there is an enormous need for all-round knowledge and skills to guide small, medium and large enterprises towards a future development that considers the economic dimension, but also the social and environmental one. In the global context of the knowledge economy, the Master in Sustainability Transition Management represented for me a privileged opportunity to explore the world of sustainability and acquire fundamental skills to drive change, as well as support me in making sustainability the fulcrum of my work in the field of management consulting. "

Luca Ceroni – Italy

Sustainability Operations Project Specialist, Davines
Master in Sustainability Transition Management (A.Y.2020/2021)

"The Master in Sustainability Transition Management has literally changed my life. It was the tip of a personal path of approaching environmental issues that for some years were constantly strengthened: initially as simple interests, later as a desire to make them become an integral part of my professional career. This Master helped me to change my role within my company, moving into the field of environmental sustainability. Thanks to this path with the BBS I have not only acquired new skills and the possibility of looking at sustainability from new points of view, but I have also met a new family of people who transmitted to me the desire for a better future that I am sure it will help me to fight every day to convey this enthusiasm to the people around me"

Federico Duca – Italy

Business Developer, Opdenergy
Master in Sustainability Transition Management (A.Y.2020/2021)

"If we want our world to be more sustainable, we need to learn to integrate sustainability into every aspect of our career and private life. The Master in Sustainability Transition Management has provided me with transversal skills, able to integrate the business with every environmental, social and economic aspect, and it also gave me the opportunity to meet a class of unique people from all over the world. They made this master’s degree unique by making me grow in both professional and human side."


The contact with managers of important companies in their working environment represents a great networking and learning opportunity for the students of this Master. The company visits allow participants to meet managers and entrepreneurs on an experience of excellence in innovation management.


The tuition fees for the Master is 14,800 euro (VAT free) to be paid in three installments:

  • First installment: 1,850 euros
  • Second installment: 7,000 euros
  • Third installment: 5,950 euros

The fee includes participation in the Master, all the study material available through the online platform, and access to the services and facilities of Bologna Business School such as: personal account for the BBS wi-fi, access to the study areas, access to the on-campus gym, special rates for the School restaurant. Furthermore, the fee gives participants the right to take advantage of the supporting activities of the School, such as the master lectures by invitation.
Free parking is also available within BBS Campus.


At Bologna Business School we understand the importance of financial aid in supporting our students to achieve their educational goals. We are aware that an advanced, high quality training path can be a significant commitment, at the same time we also truly believe that investing in one’s future always pays back.

Bologna Business School is pleased to offer partial scholarships to the most meriting students. All of these scholarships are merit-based and will be awarded to the top-ranked candidates in the selection process. The students who come out on top in the selections will be students who not only come from strong academic or practical backgrounds but also those who display the strongest motivation to take part in this program.

There are scholarships of 6,000 euros and scholarships of 4,000 euros. All applicants will be considered for a scholarship – no specific application is required. They are awarded over the course of every round of selection and if you have performed well enough to merit one of them, you will be informed at the moment of admission.

The scholarships act as tuition waivers, so that they result in a deduction of the total amount of the tuition fees due.



The eligibility requirements include:

  • a Bachelor’s Degree (must be obtained by the enrollment deadline)
  • English language proficiency

Admission to the program is subject to the positive assessment of your individual interview in English.


This Master is open to all applicants with a bachelor’s degree obtained before the enrolment deadline of each round.

Application steps:

The selection process will be held online. The selections for the first round will take place in May 2024, the selections for the second round will take place in July 2024, the selections for the third round on September 2024 and the selections for the third round on November 2024.
In line with the number of available places, admission to the program is granted according to the position on the list of qualified candidates, drawn up on the basis of the total score awarded at the end of the admissions process.

For further information concerning the selection process and the related documents, we invite you to consult the Master details and download the documents that will be available shortly in this section.





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