Whether it is a failure to promote or an unsuccessful job interview, the career of a professional may not reach the desired goal exactly as it can happen to a sportsman on the track, on the field or, as in the case of Martina Grimaldi, in the swimming pool.
The Bolognese swimmer – world champion in the 10 km at Roberval in 2010 and in the 25 km in Barcelona in 2013, European champion in the 25 km in Berlin in 2014 and bronze medal at the London 2012 Olympics – met the students of the Full-time Master in Business Management / Tourism, Culture and Events, addressing an at the same time uncomfortable and educational topic: how to manage and overcome defeat.
“For me the most important medal was not the gold at the world championships, but the silver of the previous year – said the champion – because it allowed me to get to the Olympics: sport, like work, is a path of continuous growth that confronts decisions to be taken and difficulties to face with study and determination, but also openness to new challenges”.
Taking risks, falling, getting up, everything can be a ‘why not?’ for the champion, despite the difficulties: “the secret is to think positively and not to fall, even and especially after the defeats, which always teach much more than the victories”. From this point of view, Nicola Tomesani, Professor of Marketing and Communication for Food & Wine and Academic Director of Evening Part-time Business Administration Master, sports and management have a lot in common: both require a great investment of time and commitment, the strategy is fundamental as well as the study of competitors, and teamwork is often very supportive. “Martina Grimaldi has indicated that mistakes can be improved – comments Tomesani – An often overlooked idea, recently strongly supported by the mathematician and philosopher Nassim Taleb, which makes it one of the principles of antifragility: non-fatal errors are information that they strengthen decision-making processes and the organization”.
Thanks to LGS for making this meeting possible.