Francesca, Human Resources Consultant for the World Health Organization, chose the Master’s in HR and Organization at BBS because, besides being “a journey that bursts with inspiration and opportunities” it allows for “a continuous development of the individual, who’s constantly invited to put to the test their ability to integrate positively into challenging contexts”. Read her story and discover why your future in HR too could be via Bologna.
My studies and professional training have always been aimed at acquiring multidisciplinary educational skills and methodologies in the field of adult education. In particular, my interests revolve around the processes through which it is possible to develop, in individuals, the ability to manage and enhance differences and foster collaboration, creativity and innovation. At the beginning of my professional career, within the Third Sector, I dealt with the co-design and management of inclusion projects and pathways, in the wider context of international migrations.
I am currently a consultant for the World Health Organization. I work on Human Resources management and empowerment of interdepartmental teams in complex hospitals. As part of a multidisciplinary team, I deal with the monitoring of a case-study aimed at defining new organizational practices and the creation of novel training models, which help improve communication flows and the decision-making processes among the different players involved.
For some years, as a trainer, I had been dealing with the organization and management of training activities focused on topics such as Leadership, Team Building and Project Management. At the same time, I felt the need to increase my technical skills and place them in a larger framework that, in my view, would have allowed me to decipher more precisely the organizational dynamics within which I worked. So, first I turned to AIDP –Associazione Italiana Direzione Personale, the Italian Association of Personnel Management- and, once I had understood that it was something definitely in line with my professional goals, I decided to focus specifically on Human Resources. The offering of Bologna Business School featured a highly stimulating path, in an international context and with a comprehensive training offering: hence the choice of the Master’s in HR & Organization, an essential path to refine my skills.
Indeed, this Master’s bursts with inspiration and opportunities. Not only does it grant an in-depth look on issues that are highly topical in today’s working world, but it does so through channels that make this approach extraordinarily stimulating: it is a journey that aims at providing technical skills in an important relational setting. In addition to the theoretical input, helpful for the HR profession, the program allows for continuous development of the individual, who is constantly invited to test their ability to integrate positively into challenging contexts. Fundamental to this is the high level of preparation of instructors, who enhance the experience through the input of concrete experiences and innovative training models, featuring a strong international character.
Finally, a few words on the BBS Community: the constant interconnection with alumni, faculty and high-profile professionals, the fact of belonging to a setting full of educational opportunities, the richness of the Community’s multidisciplinary environment. All this translates into the potential to take a close look at the dynamics that surround us but, above all, it allows us to steer our choices, identify the values we want to strive for and actively draw up the profile of the professional we wish to be or become.