
Daniele Rimini
Italy Owner & Management Consultant PD For - Consulenza Direzionale Adjunct Faculty
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Founding partner of “PDFOR Consulenza Direzionale”, management consulting company for private companies in various sectors and in the Public Administration.
He is adjunct marketing professor at UNIBO – Università Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna in the subjects: Key Account Management and Trade Marketing, Advanced Marketing in sports and Fundamentals of Marketing .
He is involved in several teaching activities in the faculty of Bologna Business School within the Marketing and Sales area (Custom General Management Program). He is also the didactic manager of two courses: PMI Academy and Management Accellerated Program.
His current research interests concern the management of service and relationships in health and wellness facilities for personal care, Customer Loyalty and the impact of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) on the corporate organizational structure.
From 1993 to 1996 he was employed in various companies in the tourism-hospitality sector dealing with customer management, purchasing function, administrative function and in the last year personnel management.
In 1996 he attended the MBA master at Bologna Business School, after graduating the previous year at UNIBO in business & economics.
In 2003 he founded as a partner “PDFOR consulenza direzionale”, a management consulting company aimed to the performance development of new business and PMI, both in the service and production sectors.


The main aim of the course is to provide tools and methodologies for marketing services that are useful to companies operating in hypercompetitive environments: companies who impose their own strategic practices with the goal of creating value for clients, as a basis for good performance.

  • Marketing Funnel vs. Inbound Marketing
  • Competitive benchmarking
  • Customer profiling and Value proposition
  • Marketing Models and Tools
  • Web and social media in BtoB
  • KPI Marketing & Sales
  • Marketing plan
General Management Program

The course teaches how  to formulate a plan to launch a new business, whether it is a start-up or a new business branch. Students will be guided in the formulation of a business plan, working in small groups and having the opportunity to use all the management’s tools to create a concrete project. The course aim is to understand and define goals and targets of business plans, designing their structure and content, guiding the writing and critical evaluation of the plan and the attached documents.

MBA Evening