Alessandro is an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI), University of Bologna, teaching at Cesena Campus – among the courses: the design and programming of systems based on Internet of Things and Pervasive computing. He is strongly interested in bringing a humane digital transformation, where IT and ICT are first of all a mean for empowering people and society, a language for communicating, understanding, learning, creating. To this purpose, he is currently serving as a coordinator of two initiatives running in Cesena/Romagna area: – CRIAD (Centro di Ricerca dell’Informatica applicata alla Didattica), about designing and developing activities for schools and kids about computational thinking, coding and STEM; – DIR (Distretto dell’Informatica Romagnolo), an open community aimed at creating awareness, relationships and cooperation among sofware houses and IT companies in Romagna, as well as with University and Schools. Besides, he is serving as a main reference for the DISI Department related to a Fremework Agreement with AUSL della Romagna, whose purpose is to promote and support the development of projects about health information technologies and digital health. Alessandro got a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from University of Bologna, after a Laurea Degree still by Alma Mater.