Vittorio Manes is Full Professor in Criminal law at the University of Bologna where he is teaching Criminal Law, Institutes in Criminal Law and Commercial Criminal Law. In addition, he helds the course of Criminal Law at the post-graduate school, ‘E. Redenti’, as well as Corporate Liability at the post-graduate school SPISA of the University of Bologna. As for BBS, he teaches Compliance and Responsibility of Management in the Executive MBA. His research covers Economic Criminal Law, Corporate Liability, white-collar crimes and commercial crimes. He has also focused my studies on European and Constitutional Criminal Law, considering the interconnections among national and supranational sources as well as case law. On those subjects, he wrote his latest books Introduzione al diritto penale europeo. Fonti, metodi, istituti, casi (Torino, 2020, together with M. Caianiello) and La legge penale illegittima. Metodo, itinerari e limiti della questione di costituzionalità in materia penale (Torino, 2019, together with V. Napoleoni). He has been part of ‘Servizio Studi’ for the Italian Constitutional Court (from 2010 to 2014) and cooperate in several national and international research groups. In addition, he was member of ministerial committees working on several proposals to reform the criminal code or specific piece of criminal legislation. He is part of the editorial or scientific board of various scientific reviews as well as member of ‘Associazione dei componenti degli Organismi di vigilanza ex d. lgs. 231/01’. Starting from 2013, he has been leading in Bologna a law firm specialized in Commercial Criminal Law, Corporate Liability and European Criminal Law.
The course aims to examine the rules on the division of functions and the responsibilities attributable to the exercise of the business activity, focusing on the management’s responsibilities in complex corporate divisions and on the responsibilities that the company itself faces in the event of a crime being committed, according to the discipline provided by the legislative decree n. 231 of 2001.
In particular, the institution of the delegation of functions in relation to the various hypotheses of division of work within the company, and the division of responsibility within the collegial bodies (board of directors, board of statutory auditors, etc.) will be investigated.
At the same time, the course intends to develop specialist skills in the field of compliance and liability from crime of the entity, identifying the application prerequisites of the sanctions imposed on the legal person as well as providing the knowledge necessary to examine the organization and management models (MOG) that must be adopted to minimize risk-liability.