
Davide Maggi
Founder Cesarine Adjunct Faculty
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After a few years of traditional communication for Burson Marsteller (Young&Rubicam group), he participated in the Digital Magics startup,the first digital company in Italy. Then he was awarded the prize for the best holistic campaign for the launch of High School Musical in Italy and then he founded the digital media company Hibo and subsequently the “next agency” Nimai.


Social media has radically changed the way brand communicate with masses. Social Media are platforms that connects millions of people and brands around the world, enabling conversation, content sharing and more generally human interactions. The more meaningful the content – the greater the share of voice. An effective use of these platforms is driven by a data and consumer insights based content strategy able to engage influencers that most matter for a specific brand and by a tech-driven distribution strategy of content. The purpose of this course is to provide knowledge and skills that unlock the opportunity to connect brands with people around the world in a relevant and valuable way.