
Paolo Longobardi
Italy Senior Partner - Member of the Board Praxi Group Adjunct Faculty
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Paolo Longobardi has been involved in the HR field and various other management positions for several years; beginning his career with Praxi, a leading Italian management consulting firm, moved on to work as a general manager, as a board member for various companies, and as President or member of various associations (Confindustria, Manageritalia, CIDA) or administrative bodies in the public sector. Being back in Praxi as a Senior Partner, in 2007 was asked to join the Board of Directors; in charge of the Bologna office, he manages an efficient and expert team, acting in addition as a project manager on various strategic human capital consulting projects. Paolo is an Adjunct Professor in BBS since 2005, currently for the MBA Part-time (Serale) and, previously, for the Master in Organization & Human Resources Management. Paolo has a BA in Business Administration from the University of Bologna, and an MBA from Bologna Business School.


The head-hunting market. The management of reputation. The paths of horizontal change. The paths of vertical change. Empowerment and self-empowerment. The management of professional negotiations.

MBA Evening