
Andrea Gabrielli
Chief Executive Officer SpotView Adjunct Faculty
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When he was still at university he founded his first company, a Digital Agency specializing in User Experience, Digital Marketing and eCommerce. After the BBS Master in Business Administration, he began his career in the marketing department of one of the major Italian retailers. There he has the opportunity to work for different corporate departments and to follow important digital transformation projects. After 5 years with the company his passion for digital innovation led him to become a full-time entrepreneur. Soon he founded his second company, Heres, an innovative startup that has developed a Conversational AI Solution. Since 2020 he has been teaching eCommerce as Adjunct Professor at the Bologna Business School. When he’s outside work you will likely find it on a motorcycle or underwater.


L’eCommerce non è un canale alternativo ma la distribuzione stessa che si evolve grazie ai touchpoint digitali.
In uno scenario sempre più fluido, con consumatori iper-connessi e modelli di acquisto frammentati e in continua evoluzione, ogni Manager deve comprendere a fondo le logiche che definiscono la vendita online e gli approcci omnicanale.

Durante il modulo saranno esaminati i differenti modelli di business di cui un’impresa dispone per vendere online, approfondendo anche gli aspetti più tecnici riguardanti le componenti tecnologiche e i processi abilitanti.

Gli argomenti trattati includeranno lo studio degli approcci strategici, operativi e le leve di marketing che Brand, Retailer e Marketplace utilizzano per ottenere delle Customer Experience distintive nei propri mercati di riferimento.

L’apprendimento teorico sarà affiancato allo studio di case di successo e a simulazioni pratiche utilizzando tecnologie eCommerce e tool di CRM e marketing automation.


eCommerce is not about selling through a new channel but is the distribution itself that is evolving due to digital touchpoints.
In an increasingly fluid scenario with hyper-connected consumers and fragmented, constantly evolving purchase patterns every Manager must fully understand the logics underlying the online and omnichannel approaches.

The different business models that a company has for selling online will be examined during the course also deepening the technical aspects concerning the technological components and the enabling processes.

The topics covered will include the strategic and operational approaches that Brands, Retailers and Marketplaces are adopting to reach distinctive Customer Experiences in their target market.

Theoretical learning will be accompanied by case studies and practical simulations wich will include eCommerce technologies and marketing tools.

Gestione d’Impresa – Retail Management and E-Commerce