
Andrea Bontempi
Italia Partner KPMG Adivisory Extended Faculty
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Andrea is Partner of KPMG Advisory S.p.A. Specifically, he is the Head of Consumer Industrial Market Middle-Nord Italy (ER, Marche, Toscana, Umbria), Member of the KPMG International Center of Excellence in Supply Chain & Operation, Past-Finance Strategy Integration & Transformation Team.
In BBS, he has been teaching the following courses: “Digital Tools and Robotics for Management Acconting” (Master in Finance, Control and Auditing), “Digital Transformation in Supply Chain” (Executive Master in Supply Chain), “Cost analysis” (Scuola di Ingegneria ed architettura Bologna – Industrial Design Bachelor), “Corporate Strategy’ and ‘Information Systems” (University of Bologna – Economics Bachelor). He has gained significant experience in managing complex multidisciplinary projects at global clients throughout the entire project lifecycle, managing: assessment phase, Target Operating Model design and implementation both at the strategic and operational level managing the process and the ICT enablers. The main project scope are focused on:
• Innovation in Procurement Digital Transformation;
• Supply Chain Optimisation leveraging on Best Practices or Technology enhabler;
• Planning, management control and reporting;
• Business Transformation and Performance improvement;
• Processes and organization re-engineering enabled by new IT platforms;
• Definition of strategic plans and merger & Acquisition and restructuring.

The main industries expertise are: Industrial Manufacturing, Machinery, Automotive, Engineering and Construction, White Goods, Food & Beverage, Consumer products, Pharma, Fashion, Utilities.
He has more than 18 Years as KPMG Partner and previous similar position in different networks with experience in management consulting. Andrea is Member of the Advisory Board of the Executive Master in Supply Chain in BBS.
He is passionate about photography and bycicling.


CORE COURSE – Over the last few years, relevant changes have been taking place, mainly due to technological convergence, which many people compare to a new industrial revolution known as Industry 4.0. The availability of intelligent software, new materials, anthropomorphic robots, new production processes based on AM technologies, big data and web-based services, undermine the fundamental rules of mass production systems, allowing for the manufacturing of customized products, in limited quantities and at low costs. Similarly to any other revolution, this one too has potentially disruptive consequences, both in economic and organizational terms. The features of the products/services and of the production processes radically change. As from today – though in the near future this phenomenon will be even more relevant – the companies that aim at achieving positions of competitive advantage focus on these new challenges in order to provide innovative responses. The amount, complexity and impact of the decisions required to design the Supply Chain and  Operations need a new systemic vision and sound reference models. This course will carry out a cross-cutting analysis of the whole educational programme of the Master’s and will be applied in accordance with the topics discussed, in order to develop a thematically consistent path.