Marketing and Innovation of Italian Excellence: Ferrarelle case.

Sep 09 2016 - 17.30 - Bologna Business School - Villa Guastavillani - Via degli Scalini, 18 - Bologna

Carlo Pontecorvo, President and CEO of Ferrarelle S.p.A, will give a Keynote Speech in which he will explain the success strategy behind this Italian company of international success. Together with Fabio Ancarani, Associate Dean of Executive Education, will open the events of the 2016/2017 academic year.  

Following the event a light lunch will follow.

Carlo Pontecorvo. Graduated with honors in Medicine and Surgery and worked in the General Surgery Division at the University Hospital of Naples. In 1990 leaves his practice to work on his family’s businesses. Among others, a company that produces glass containers for the food industry (AVIR SpA), with more than 20 establishments in Europe and sales that surpassed the 600 million Euros. In 1997 sells the company to the american multinational Owen Illinois Inc., establishes LGR Holding SpA in 1998, becoming its President and CEO.

In January 2005 LGR Holding SpA buys the company Italaquae SpA from the Danone Group, renaming it as Ferrarelle SpA. Vitasnella, Fonte Essenziale, Boario, Santagata, Natia are some of the brands managed by Ferrarelle, while being the exclusive distributor of Evian for the Italian market.

Pontecorvo is part of the council at Fondazione Telethon, at FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano) and at HAT SpA, in which LGR Holding owns some shares since 2007. He is also the President at Banca Regionale di Sviluppo SpA.

In 2011 Carlo Pontecoro was honored with the title of Cavaliere del Lavoro.




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