Planning and risk management in the banking sector

Oct 08 2015 - Ore 9.30 - Bologna Business School - Villa Guastavillani, Via degli Scalini 18 - Bologna

This exclusive workshop organized in collaboration with Scouting Spa, will be lead by directors and presidents of major banks whom will discuss issues of finance related to the corporate world.

The event will feature: Francesco Calcagna from Bank of Italy, whom will focus on liquidity risks in the current market. Professor Giampaolo Gabbi will discuss the relationship between risk analysis and planning. Roberto Ferrari, CFO from Bank of Emilia Romagna will analyze themes such as ALM, treasury and capital management while Rossano Giuppa will speak on behalf of Bcc Rome.

“Regulatory framework and competitive challenges: the impact on risk management and planning”.  This is the title of the meeting, which has as its central objective the verification of strategic choices taken in the area of ALM by local banks, in reference to the external regulatory environment and the behavior chosen by insititutes of larger dimensions.

To download the full program of the event go to the link “download file”.


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