Q&A – Master in Finance and Fintech

Sep 18 2020 - 5 pm - Via Microsoft Teams

A Q&A session is scheduled for Friday, September 18th at 5:00 pm (cest) to discover the Finance and Fintech Master of BBS.

The appointment is dedicated to those who want to receive more information about the program directly from the Scientific Director of the Master Emanuele Bajo, available to answer any doubts, curiosities and questions about the contents of the Master.

One year after the death of Fabrizio Saccomanni, a member of the Bologna Business School Steering Committee, the School intends to honor his memory with 3 full-coverage scholarships to participate in the Master in Finance and Fintech.

The scholarships named after Fabrizio Saccomanni will be awarded to the first 3 classified in the selections of the Master in Finance and Fintech which will be held on 6 October 2020. The deadline to register for the selections is 28 September 2020.

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us: fintech@bbs.unibo.it

To participate, you must register by filling out the registration form
