MGIncontri: Bertuzzi Food Processing Srl

Jun 27 2022 - 5:30 pm - Via Microsoft Teams

On Monday, June 27th, at 5:30 p.m. (CEST), there will be a new event in the MGIncontri series, via Microsoft teams, with special guest speaker Davide Sarasini, Direttore Commerciale – Bertuzzi Food Processing Srl.

MGIncontri, are a series of meetings with businesses, managers, and personalities to provide insights, inspiration, and opportunities for growth. The series of meetings is entirely dedicated to students, prospects, and members of the Community of the Master in Business Management.

Bertuzzi Food Processing (Bertuzzi) manufactures machines for the fruit and vegetable industry using unique and innovative techniques for processing (extraction, refining, and filtration, through to concentration and heat treatment) tropical fruits, citrus fruits, and vegetables to produce concentrated juices, yogurt bases, baby food and more.

Founded in 1936, Bertuzzi has supplied more than 1,000 fruit and vegetable industry machines to more than 100 countries.

To attend the event, please fill out the registration form.

