Master Lecture
Professional Master in HR & Organization

Jun 29 2022 - 3 pm - Villa Guastavillani

On Wednesday, June 29th from 3.00 to 4.30 p.m., at Villa Guastavillani, there will be a Master Lecture for the BBS Professional Master in HR & Organization designed in collaboration with the University of Bologna – Master in Labour Law.

The inauguration of the conference will be carried out by Gabriele Morandin, Professor of Organizational Behavior, Department of Management, University of Bologna, and Alberto Pizzoferrato, Professor of Labour Law, Department of Legal Studies, University of Bologna.

The Master Lecture will be held by an international guest, Luciano Floridi, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information, University of Oxford and University of Bologna, and will focus on Ethics and Policies in Artificial Intelligence.

Floridi’s research concerns primarily Digital Ethics, the Ethics of AI, the Philosophy of Information, and the Philosophy of Technology and investigates the foundations, the ethical consequences, and the conceptual issues raised by the information revolution. The philosophy of information analyses problems in order to design solutions: it is a thriving new area of research, at the crossroads of epistemology, metaphysics, logic, philosophy of science, semantics, and ethics.

Thereafter, Anthony Forsyth, Distinguished Professor, Graduate School of Business and LawRMIT University will open the debate about AI and Management by Algorithm: Regulatory and HR Challenges.

In this scenario, the importance of training in an international context and in contact with a Faculty of excellence becomes a valuable tool to face the period in which we live.


The event will be held in English.

To attend the presentation, please fill in the registration form.

We are waiting for you!



How to reach us:


From Porta Castiglione take the Via Castiglione southbound and uphill.
At the first bend to the right the main road is abandoned, continuing straight ahead and uphill (the road name is still Via Castiglione).
After approx. 200 meters take a left on Via degli Scalini and proceed for 1.5 km to number 18.
The Villa is easily identified by its boundary wall and two great fir trees at the side of the main entrance gate.


Bus 59 runs a direct route to Villa Guastavillani from the city centre (Piazza Cavour).
Complete timetable here.


Cars can be parked in the space behind Villa Guastavillani following the directions of the relevant staff.

In compliance with the regulations in force for the date of the event, it will be necessary to be equipped with a face mask.
