Bologna Business School in 2011 created the EMBA Consortium for Global Business Innovation and also this year it will be the protagonist of the International Week, an event that allows the exchange between various international Business Schools focused on the business innovation theme across the various countries.
From 14 to 21 September a full-time week will be held reserved for Executives of the partner Schools, in one of the Countries involved in the Consortium.
The program focuses on the themes of global business innovation declined in the different geographies and in the different industrial or service sectors, on which each Business School is specialized.
The participant can decide, according to the availability of each school, the preferred destination. It is an opportunity for those who want to explore different mature or emerging markets and evaluate opportunities for improvement and value creation for their business.
The Consortium is expanding steadily and the business schools that currently participate are:
Bologna Business School, Bologna – Chapman Graduate School of Business, Miami – Moscow International Higher Business School, Moscow – Coppead Graduate School of Business, Rio de Janeiro – Sabanci School of Management, Istanbul – University of Stellenbosch Business School, Cape Town – Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield – Lucas Graduate School of Business, San José – Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad – Ahmedabad – ESAN Business School, Lima, Perù – Keio Business School, Yokohama, Japan.