Innovation Talks. Henry Etzkovitz

Jul 13 2020 - 6.30 pm - Live-streaming

The first live-streaming appointment of the Summer Edition of the Innovation Talks will host Henry Etzkovitz, President of Triple Helix Institute, a non-governmental association dedicated to scientific research, that for over 25 years has been organizing conferences and summits annually that attract participants from all over the world to discuss issues relevant to academia, policy and practice.

Senior Researcher at H-STAR Institute, Stanford University and Visiting Professor at the School of Management, Birkbeck College, London University and Edinburgh University Business School, Henry Etzkovitz is an internationally renowned researcher who introduced the concept of “entrepreneurial university” in reference to the union of training, industry and institutions at national and regional level.

Before his appointment to Stanford, he held the chair in Management of Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise at Newcastle University Business School and was Visiting Professor at the Department of Technology and Society, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Stony Brook University in New York.

For the BBS Community, he will give the speech remotely entitled Where is Silicon Valley going after Covid-19: the meeting will be held in English.

Click here to see the live-streaming

To view the complete calendar of Innovation Talks – Summer Edition click here
