Ready for an omnichannel world?

Nov 28 2015 - 9.15 AM - Bologna Business School - Villa Guastavillani - Via degli Scalini, 18 - Bologna

The first of the new series of events that the School wants to dedicate to our Alumni Community. The protagonist of the event is Venky Shankar, global expert about theme of integration between channels, Professor of Marketing at the Mays Business School , Texas A & M University and Director research Center for Retailing Studies. Taking the BBS Global Community


Goal: Increasing Customer Value through a Omnichannel Strategy

Today, customers can buy through more than one channel, for example the bricks-and-mortar store, the Internet, mobile devices, call centers rather than the store alone. This means that the distinction between physical and digital channels is to evaporate, leading the show to a truly omnichannel experience.

The key challenge for firms is then, to propose their customers an integrated channel system in which channels support one another. This to guarantee a cohesive and satisfying customer experience that can also positively influence the firm’s profit.

The purpose of this conference is to spark and feed a dialogue between the leading firms in channel integration, a major expert on this topic at the global level (Venky Shankar) and our alumni community. The meeting will feature keynote talks from leading firms presenting their current and future challenges which are not different from the challenges that look ahead of most Italian and global firms.


Format and Who: Four leading company representatives from different industries will participate as speakers.

Dario Tecci Global Strategic Marketing & Application Manager, ABB S.p.A.
Gabriele Tazzari Research & Development Director, Yoox-Net-A-Porter Group
Federico Sforza Senior Vice President, UniCredit

These managers will discuss emerging challenges that their companies will need to face in an increasingly more channel-integrated environment.


The discussion is led by Venky Shankar one of the most important international expert on the topic

Venky Shankar is Professor of Marketing at Mays Business School, Texas A&M University and Director of Research at the Center for Retailing Studies.
He has been recognized as one among the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds by Thomson Reuters and one of the Top 10 experts on innovation management worldwide
He has published in leading academic journals such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, in leading managerial oriented journals such as Sloan Management Review, Harvard Business Review, and in in business periodicals such as Wall Street Journal and Financial Times.
He has been on many advisory boards and he has consulting and executive teaching experience with organizations such as Allstate, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, Colgate Palmolive, Deloitte, GlaxoSmithKline, Hewlett Packard, HSBC, IBM, Intel, Lockheed Martin, Lucent Technologies, Marriott International, Medtronic, Microsoft, Northrop Grumman, PepsiCo, Philips, and Volvo.


Elisa Montaguti and Sara Valentini will moderate the discussion. They are both Associate Professors at the University of Bologna, and expert on the topic.


To participate you should be an Alumni of the BBS. Registration is required.

Be inspired!


No registration form set, contact us for more information.