The job Interview: winning strategies. The Head Hunter’s point of view

Dec 13 2017 - - ore 17.00 - Bologna Business School - Via degli Scalini 18 - Bologna

BBS Career Service, as part of the “Career Development Seminars” program, organizes seminars concerning highly relevant topics for those wishing to re-access the labor market.

The topic of the seminar concerns the job interview, particularly how to crack the most important part of any hiring process. How to best handle a job interview? How to prepare for it? What are the most common mistakes and how to avoid them?

Annarita Borraccetti, Partner of MCS Management Consulting will provide suggestions and advice on how to best handle the most delicate step of the recruiting process.

This event is designed for Executive Alumni. In order to participate please register at The aim is to offer an interactive seminar, fostering the exchange of ideas among participants. For this reason a max. of 30 people will be able to attend, according to the order of registration.



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