On Tuesday, April 12, at 6:30 p.m. CET, will be held the event Global talents for the future with Alec Ross via Microsoft Teams, a meeting dedicated to explore geoeconomic and geopolitical issues and their correlation with higher education.
Alec Ross, former advisor to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and now Distinguished Adjunct Professor at Bologna Business School and Professor of Geoeconomics and Geopolitics in the Global MBA for the 2022/2023 academic year is the author of the book The Furious Twenties.
“If there is one glaring difference between the roaring and the furious, it is the relationship with the future. The former were intoxicated by it, they were projected into the future with effrontery. We, inhabitants of the latter, approach tomorrow with timidity, deference, fear, without conceding. “Fear is a brake, it is a feeling that does not advance the world, it is useful only when the sense of danger is immediate. Now is the time to do hard things and engage.”
The writer, who lives between the United States and Italy, dedicated the book to the changes he believes the world needs. The first need is a new social contract that includes three actors: individuals, governments and large corporations. The topic is not new, but Ross approaches it constructively. “Only optimists change the world and only optimists are listened to by those in power.”
In this scenario, the importance of training in an international context and in contact with a Faculty of excellence, becomes the main tool to face the period in which we live.
To participate in the event it is necessary to fill in the registration form.