International Week 2015

Oct 24 2015 - Bologna Business School - Villa Guastavillani - Via degli Scalini, 18 - Bologna

This Saturday will begin the fifth edition of the International Week, an international exchange between Executive MBA Students from 9 International Business School. An intensive week of meetings and international exchanges.

During the international week, students will visit tour “Made in Italy” companies: Carpigiani, Molino Spadoni, Caterina Lucchi Fashion and Ducati and will study the potential of these companies to develop their business abroad. At the same time, the Executive MBA Students of BBS will spend the International Week in the other schools partners of EMBA Consortium.

The EMBA Consortium for Global Business Innovation is the result of a collaboration by nine business schools located in important world cities and regions intended to enrich our respective students’ educational experience. Our underlying philosophy is that by offering a global portfolio of geographically focused programmatic alternatives, our students can confront the reality of doing business in vastly different settings in ways that reinforce previous learning and experiences and provide an important global perspective on business innovation, critical in today’s environment. By living in and learning from different markets, teachers, colleagues, companies, government institutions and cultures, even if for only a relatively short period of time, the senior executives in our EMBA programs attending the Consortium will experience a paradigm shift that will serve them well for years to come.


Member School’s EMBA are:

  • Business School della Chongqing University, Chongqing University, Cina
  • Chapman Graduate School of Business, Florida International University Miami, Stati Uniti
  • Coppead Graduate School of Business, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brasile
  • Cranfield School of Management – Cranfield University, Gran Bretagna
  • MIRBIS – Moscow International Higher Business School, Moscaù – Russia
  • Sabanci School of Management – Sabanci Istanbul, Turchia
  • SJSU – Lucas Graduate School of Business, Stati Uniti
  • USB – University of Stellenbosch Business School, Cape Town, Sud Africa




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