Channelling Food Innovation Through Data Analytics

Nov 20 2023 - ore 18.30 - via Microsoft Teams

Food and beverage industry is rooted in culture and tradition. Nevertheless, today companies that thrive are also the ones who can valorize the excellence and identity of traditional productions through innovation.

Data analytics is a powerful tool to lead innovation and accelerate business growth.

Data can provide insights that optimize processes, enhance product development, and contribute to a more sustainable and consumer-centric food industry. The integration of data analytics in the agrifood industry continues to reshape how we grow, produce, distribute, and enjoy food in the modern era.

On Monday 20th of November, from 6.30 to 7.30 p.m. (CET), online via MS Teams, we will meet to discuss this topic with:

– Enrica Gentile, CEO and Founding Partner of Areté
Cathy Huyghe, CEO and Founder of Enolytics
– Ludovica Leone, Assistant Professor of Organization Studies, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and Academic Director of the Executive Master in Food Innovation and Regeneration at Bologna Business School
– Sonia Massari, Academic Director at Future Food Academy


To participate in the event, please fill in the registration form.
