BBS LEADERSHIP Lecture series: Alon Wolf

Mar 03 2022 - 6 pm - Via Zoom

On ThursdayMarch 3rd, at 6 pm CEST, there will be the first BBS LEADERSHIP Lecture titled “Ethics and Artificial Intelligence” with Alon Wolf, Vice President of Technion Institute of Technology and Professor of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering.

In recent years we are probably experiencing the most transformational times in Human History. New developments of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT), online platforms, and autonomous Robotics systems, are some of these transformational changes often referred to as the fourth industrial revolution. The presence of these technologies and their rapid spreading in our daily existence create a growing need to lay ethical benchmarks against this new religion of “digitalism”. We need to ask ourselves questions such as what would be the impact on individual’s job security, how much can human imperfection be mapped into this digital reality, and what is the coexistence between knowledge and information in this new developing world?

Discussant of the talk: Maurizio Gabbrielli, Associate Dean for AI and Digital Soul, BBS, and Full Professor of Informatics, University of Bologna.


The event will be in English language.

To participate in the digital event, please fill the registration form.

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