BBS Global Dialogues. Michael Plummer

Feb 04 2020 - ore 6 pm - Bologna Business School - Villa Guastavillani - Via degli Scalini, 18 - Bologna

Michael Plummer, Director of SAIS Europe and Eni Professor of International Economics at The Johns Hopkins University, will open, on February 4, BBS Global Dialogues, a new series of conferences dedicated to the Community.

Professor of International Economics since 2001, Plummer was Head of the Development Division for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris from 2010 to 2012 and President of the American Committee on Asian Economic Studies (ACAES) until 2015.

At the center of the meeting entitled “Beyond the US-China Trade War: Impact on Global Trade Governance and the Remedial Role of Regional Cooperation”, the delicate pact signed on January 15 between Donald Trump and Xi Jinping.

“The recent agreement between the United States and China marked a truce in the commercial tensions that arose after the Trump administration took office – explains Alessandro Merli, Associate Fellow at The Johns Hopkins University and discussant of the meeting – The global economy has, however, already in terms of uncertainty and slowing growth, the effects of the ‘wars’ between the United States and some of its most important trading partners have already been suffered”.

A demanding commercial pact, which came after months of indecisions and postponements, which provides for a massive purchase of US assets for at least 200 billion dollars more than in 2017 by the Asian giant.

Numbers difficult to respect according to experts, which will bind China to increase imports from the US by 56% compared to 2019 in the energy sector, in manufacturing, agricultural and service products. In return, the United States will reduce the rate of duty imposed, which will drop from 15% to 7.5%.

Will this understanding be enough to defuse the effects of trade wars on the international economic order and on the prospects for the economy and for businesses, including European and Italian ones? We will talk about it on February 4 in BBS.

The event, dedicated to BBS Community, will be held in English

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