Alumni Community

Sep 26 2015 - Ore 9.00 - Bologna Business School - Villa Guastavillani, Via degli Scalini 18 - Bologna

“Managerial intervention between stiffness and flexibility” is the title of this meeting, which will feature presentations and direct experiences as told by expert managers, followed by accounts on the career paths and achievements of former Executive Master students.


09.00-09.30 Welcome Coffee

09.30-09.45 Introduction
Andrea Cavrini Entrepreneur and Community Director EMBA XIV

09.45-10.30 Adaptive advantage: strategy in turbulent and uncertain times
Davide Corradi Partner, the Boston Consulting Group and Executive Director EMBA XIV

10.30-11.00 Rigidity and physical flexibility in production processes
Corrado Lanzone Production Director, Scuderia Ferrari, EMBA IX

11.00-11.30 Rigidity? Flexibility? The market makes the rules
Tiziano Toschi Senior VP Global R&D, Electrolux, EMBA III

11.30-11.45 Coffee break

11.45-12.15 Is it possible to structure flexibility?
Luca Mongiorgi Sales & Marketing Director, Iungo, EMBA V

12.15-13.00 The survey on the EMBA alumni and future plans for BBS alumni
Sara Valentini Associate Dean for the Alumni Community of Bologna Business School


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