The Master in Digital Technology Management is a full-time English language program with three specific addresses: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Project Management and Cyber Security. An opportunity to match a purely technical background with managerial training and bring innovation to the core of business decisions.
A Master is an investment in your future. A high quality training path can represent a significant financial commitment, but thanks to the support of our Partners, there are 5 new scholarships available for the Master, in addition to the 3 scholarships offered by BBS and the other methods of financing.
Thanks to our Partners, the students of Master in Digital Technology Management can benefit from 5 new scholarships:
Bologna Business School offers 2 scholarships of 6,000 euros and 1 scholarship of 4,000 euros. All applicants will be considered for a scholarship – no specific application is required. They are awarded over the course of every round of selection and if you have performed well enough to merit one of them, you will be informed at the moment of admission.
Thanks to an agreement between Bologna Business School and Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, participants admitted to a BBS Master program are eligible to apply for “PerTe Prestito Con Lode”, a long-term and low-interest honor loan, with no warranties required.
Main characteristics:
See here the information on the honor loan.