Defining Riccardo Pirrone is not an easy task. He is well-known for being the social media manager of Taffo, Italy's most famous funeral agency, but he is much more than that. Pirrone is an author and contributor to Il Sole 24 Ore, and he has founded the advertising agency KiRweb and Wonka Talent, a (more..)
Since April 2022, Stefano Venier has been CEO of Snam, Europe’s leading operator in the transport and storage of natural gas. He was introduced at the first BBS Leadership Lecture by Max Bergami, Dean of Bologna Business School, who briefly outlined his career path. Originally from Udine, where h (more..)
Marco Catucci is a Research Business Developer at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan. His is a high-profile scientific background that he chose to enrich and complete through a Master's degree in the Tech area at BBS. A particular path we asked him to tell us about it because it represents a perfect (more..)
A unique Leadership Talk was dedicated to the city of Bologna, art, and its significance in everyone's lives, regardless of one's field of study or career. The occasion to discuss art and inspire BBS MBA participants to explore Bologna's rich artistic heritage was the just-concluded 11th edition (more..)
The team of Alumni behind the project developed through the Executive Master in Sustainability and Business Innovation at BBS has earned an eleventh place in the Financial Times' Responsible Business Education Awards. Sustainability is a holistic mindset, a philosophy, and a crucial objective for (more..)