In the collective imagination, the term Public Administration is often associated with bureaucracy, with all that it entails. It is a very complex area that goes far beyond the eternal dispute related to the efficiency of the institutions with which the citizen interfaces. The PA sector is undergoi (more..)
From the physical to the digital experience, passing through the so-called "phygital": touching but buying online. There are several channels through which the consumer can buy a product today, and often coexist. Whether in one way or another, the goal of the companies is to guarantee consistent cu (more..)
One of the essential components of Wealth Management is behavioral finance, the study of how individual and interpersonal psychological factors affect the movements of global financial markets. "The task of the consultant is to mitigate the so-called behavioral bias of individuals", says Massimili (more..)
Imagine the boundless possibilities of choice that we find ourselves walking through the biscuit and bakery department of a supermarket, and let's put ourselves on the side of companies: how can we instinctively attract our attention? The research "Eating With Your Eyes: How Packaging Visual Cues A (more..)
What are the reasons behind an entrepreneurial project? How does the social context come into play in shaping an idea and giving certain input to turn it into reality? The labor market has changed dramatically in recent years and entrepreneurship is becoming an increasingly popular career option a (more..)
"The track in Automation and Robotics of the Global MBA of Bologna Business School emerges from a strong demand of the industrial fabric that is struggling to find specific profiles from ad hoc training", says Maurizio Sobrero, Scientific Director of the Master, which underlines how to approach th (more..)
Andrew Romans, CEO & General Partner of 7BC.VC, was the guest of the last Innovation Talks - Fall Edition 2019. "In Italian Venture Capital is translated as 'risk capital' when in reality, the risk is minimal compared to to many other sectors" said the Californian entrepreneur who shares with th (more..)
On Sunday 15 December, the Conference of the Parties organized by the UNFCCC, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, ended in Madrid with the participation of representatives from over 190 countries worldwide. The objective of the Conference was regularize a new process for the (more..)
War for talent is a concept well known to those dealing with human resources. The expression was used for the first time in 1997 by three consultants of McKinsey Quarterly, an American magazine dedicated to senior executives and focused on the management and organization of companies, to indicate t (more..)
On Monday 16 December, there was held in Rome the Conference Laurea and Entrepreneurship. At the center of the meeting, the role played by the companies created by university students, subject of a national study that took Italian graduates from 2004 to 2018 as a sample, using the database of AlmaL (more..)
Andrea Catellani, a law graduate, has always dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur. Thanks to the Master in Business Management - Made in Italy has enriched his training and had the opportunity to work closely with great professionals in the business world. I grew up in the family business that was (more..)
There is a good news and a bad one on the employment situation in Italy. Istat has registered an unemployment rate at its historic minimum of 9.5%, with a 59.2% employment rate in October 2019. On the other hand, NEET, an English acronym for (Young people) Neither in Employment nor in Education or T (more..)
A good leader must first of all be a leader of himself. Self-leadership - at the center of the Self-Leadership essay: Efficient and Effective Leader from the Inside Out - How to Become a More Success - is defined by the authors, the journalist and teacher Ana Lucia Kazan and the motivational speake (more..)
In the era of a constant and pervasive digitalization, there are so many sectors in which the human factor continues to be the key factor in complex professions, in which technological processing alone is not enough to make a difference. These include the Wealth Management Specialist: "Digitalizati (more..)
The different impact that technological products and artisan products have on the market is increasingly evident. The two "history factors" are different, almost absent in the technological good and well defined in the artisan one. In today's context characterized by mass production of standardized (more..)
"Artificial intelligence is not an economic sector, but a different way of doing things, so implementing it within the existing production processes or social relations means profoundly changing its dynamics and potential". Guest of the fourth Innovation Talks of Bologna Business School last Decemb (more..)