Exponential Innovation in Education using T.R.I.C.K. | Esther Wojcicki

Jun 06 2022 - 5.30 p.m. - Villa Guastavillani

On Monday, June 6th, at 5.30 p.m. (CEST), there will be the keynote speech Exponential Innovation in Education using T.R.I.C.K.

Esther Wojcicki, Professor and Honorary Scholar at Stanford University, will be the guest of BBS.

Esther is an internationally renowned trainer, consultant, and speaker with a proven track record of working in e-learning. She has experienced consulting professionals in nonprofit organizationsEdtecheducational consultingeducational technology, and Instructional Design. She is a leading American educatorjournalist, and mother. Leader in Blending Learning and the integration of technology into education. Founder of the Media Arts program at Palo Alto High School, where she built a journalism program. Esther has been intimately involved with Google and GoogleEdu since its inception. She was one of the leaders in setting up the Google Teacher Academy and remained a guiding force. She has been a consultant for the U.S Department of EducationHewlett FoundationCarnegie Foundation for Advancement of TeachingGoogleSilicon Valley Education Foundation, and Time Magazine Education.

T.R.I.C.K. is an acronym for five values from Esther’s philosophical guide in her teaching method.

TrustRespectIndependenceCollaboration, and Kindness are the key words through which she develops her approach to increase students’ drive and commitment necessary to achieve success.


The event will be held in English.


Please complete the form online to register for the event.

We are waiting for you!


How to reach us:


From Porta Castiglione take the Via Castiglione southbound and uphill.
At the first bend to the right the main road is abandoned, continuing straight ahead and uphill (the road name is still Via Castiglione).
After approx. 200 meters take a left on Via degli Scalini and proceed for 1.5 km to number 18.
The Villa is easily identified by its boundary wall and two great fir trees at the side of the main entrance gate.


Bus 59 runs a direct route to Villa Guastavillani from the city centre (Piazza Cavour).
Complete timetable here.


Cars can be parked in the space behind Villa Guastavillani following the directions of the relevant staff.

In compliance with the regulations in force for the date of the event, it will be necessary to be equipped with a face mask.
