A Master’s course at BBS at the time of Covid: students tell their story

23 March 2021

Luigi Cacciapuoti, a participant in the Executive MBA, recalls his journey in a new life and learning dimension, in which technology and in-person experiences alternate.

  I had been thinking for a long time about the idea of starting a study pathway that could give a little something extra to my career. I was very keen on putting myself to the test once again, but there were also as many variables that kept me from doing it. The period of lockdown in 2020 was what finally convinced me, it led me to think that the best solution for me wasn’t clamming up, quite the opposite, I needed to expand my horizons, to the maximum power. To do it, I chose the most challenging way you could think of, that is an Executive MBA, and I chose BBS also taking into consideration the reactivity and positivity with which they were able to confront the emergency, moving all teaching activities online right away thus ensuring that students could be safe.  

The opportunity and the possibility of being part of a group with such high-level profiles are now a reason of which to be very proud plus also being very motivating, day after day. Even though we still haven’t got the possibility of meeting in person, the innumerable occasions to exchange views online allowed for the creation of new and strong synergies. I can also add that what is enabling me to create a bond with my fellow students, which makes us feel united, is reciprocity, based on giving and receiving time, support and sharing. And most of all trust. 

The first courses have already been saved for a rainy day and the hunger for improvement continues to grow, thanks to the endless inputs that BBS keeps on giving us. The image that is emerging from the puzzle pieces is made up of a renewed human and professional awareness, of knowing that I do not know. With an essential fixed point: that of having, if not the answers to the questions that the world of work today is asking us, the ability to ask ourselves the right questions to face it.

I believe one of the aspects that turned out to be particularly impactful is the tutorship activity made available to us participants. This year, BBS provided for the Executive MBA students an additional set of hours of tutorship, we’re talking 192 hours, which involved 89 instructors for 132 meetings. Particular attention was devoted to the evening focus sessions, with 10 instructors, 19 meetings and 32 hours, and the extra sessions in the classroom or additional residentials, about twenty, with the involvement of 10 instructors and a total of about 52 hours. 

The commitment of the various tutors for the online meetings during the working week, that took place even outside the usual allotted timeframes,  is highly relevant, making life-long learning a luxury within everyone’s reach.


Luigi Cacciapuoti, Participant in the Executive MBA 2020-21


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