BBS hosts a conference on regulated professions in EU Legislation and Jurisprudence

Dec 02 2019 - 2 pm - Bologna Business School - Villa Guastavillani, Via degli Scalini 18 - Bologna

On Monday 2 December at 2 pm Bologna Business School will host the conference entitled “Regulated professions in UE legislation and jurisprudence”.

At the center of the debate, the professions regulated from the point of view of labor law according to European legislation. Often considered equivalent to intellectual ones, regulated professions are defined by Article 3, Section 1, Letter a) of Directive 2005/36 as professional activities whose exercise is subject to the possession of specific licenses, qualifications, certificates.

Each Member State of the European Union is free to choose whether or not to regulate the different professions, and to determine the essential requirements for access to each one, provided that the principles of non-discrimination are respected. The meeting at BBS will focus on the impact exercised by the European Union in legal and legislative terms, focusing in particular on the sphere of action of the European Court of Justice on national legislation.

A current topic like never before and which concerns the entire European legal framework, in view of the upcoming elections in the United Kingdom on 12 December: the conservative manifesto presented by Boris Johnson under the slogan of “Get Brexit Done” hopes for the exit of the country by the European Union by 31 January 2020. The post-poll scenario can lead to the downgrading of the United Kingdom to “third country” – according to the provisions of Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union – with consequent repercussions on the British citizens who exercise their profession in a Member State of the Union.

The meeting of 2 December will take stock of the situation thanks to the presence of leading figures from the European Commission and prestigious Italian and international experts.


Welcome address

Gabriele Morandin, Co-Director of the Master in HR & Organization, Bologna Business School

Alberto Pizzoferrato, Director of the Master in Labour Law, Law School – University of Bologna


Giacomo Di Federico, Professor of EU Law, University of Bologna

The services directive and the directive on the recognition of qualifications: the state of play on Professions

Salvatore D’Acunto, Head of Unit, European Commission – DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

The recent developments of the EU Court of Justice case-law

Manuel Kellerbauer, Legal Advisor, European Commission – CFSP Team

The UK situation after the Brexit

Catherine Barnard, Professor of European Union and Labour Law, University of Cambridge


Enrico Traversa, Professor of European Labour Law, University of Bologna


No registration form set, contact us for more information.