Innovation Talks. Fabrizio Perrone

Nov 26 2019 - 6 pm - Bologna Business School - Via degli Scalini 18 - Bologna

The third Innovation Talks will focus on influencer marketing and on how artificial intelligence is helping companies to make their social communication campaigns effective and strategic. The leading company in this sector is Buzzoole: a former startup born in Naples in 2013, the platform created by Fabrizio Perrone is today composed by a team of over 70 people distributed among the offices in New York, London, Milan, Rome and Naples and is currently active in 176 countries.

At the Community BBS the CEO and Founder will tell the story of the birth of the project and how the idea of ​​proposing to the large companies a strategic partner that leverages micro-influencers has proved to be a short-term success.

“The name – says Fabrizio Perronecomes from the crasis of ‘buzz’ (an onomatopoeia that recalls the buzz of a swarm of bees) and ‘google’ to indicate the exponential growth in the network of the word-of-mouth phenomenon” .

Fabrizio Perrone’s Innovation Talk entitled “Generating value with AI: the art and science of influencer Marketing” will be held on November 26, 2019 at 6 pm at Bologna Business School.

The event, dedicated to BBS Community, will be held in Italian and English with simultaneous translation.

To confirm your participation, it is necessary to click here

Download the invitation to the event Innovation Talks. Fabrizio Perrone


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