Innovation Talks. Massimo Rostagno

Mar 21 2019

The first appointment with the Spring Edition of the 2019 Innovation Talks will host Massimo Rostagno, Director General Monetary Policy of the European Central Bank. During the keynote speech The crisis and the monetary policy of the European Central Bank, Massimo Rostagno will discuss with the BBS Community the ECB’s monetary policies and their impact on the euro area economy, with a special focus on the instruments deployed in response to the financial crisis and macroeconomic downturn that started ten years ago. The event is organized in collaboration with Philip Morris Italia.

Massimo Rostagno is Director of the Directorate Monetary Policy within the ECB’s Directorate General Economics. Before joining the European Central Bank in 1998, he was a research economist at Banca d’Italia (Bank of Italy) and later desk Economist in the European Department of the IMF.

He has written on the political economy of fiscal policy, on the reform of social security, on the history and theory of monetary standards, on stochastic general equilibrium macro-modelling and on monetary economics in general. He has published in the American Economic Review, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control and contributed to several other publications.




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