Innovation Talks. Philip Kotler

Oct 05 2017 - Salone di Palazzo De' Toschi - Banca di Bologna - Piazza Minghetti 4/D - Bologna

The first appointment with the fall cycle of Innovation Talks will host Philip Kotler, one of the world’s leading experts of Marketing Management. The event is organized in collaboration with Philip Morris Italia.

Emerging Issues in Marketing Management,
 is the Keynote Speech during which Philip Kotler will address the issue of market evolution in a context driven by digitalization and a growing need for sustainability.

Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois
Philip Kotler is the scholar who has contributed the most to the development and diffusion of marketing as an integral part of economic dynamics. His profound analysis of the changes in society, the new macroeconomic system, and new business strategies and techniques has reached its climax in a new marketing concept.


He has been referred to as the fourth “marketing management guru” of all times by the Financial Times (after Jack Welch, Bill Gates and Peter Drucker) and is acclaimed as “the world’s most experienced marketing strategist” by the Management Center Europe. 

His main work is 
Marketing Management (first edition in 1967, 15th edition in 2017, curated for the Italian edition by Ancarani and Costabile), which is generally recognized as one of the most authoritative texts on marketing,

Through his consulting company Kotler Marketing Group (KMG), Kotler has collaborated with many large multinational companies, including IBM, General Electric, AT & T, Honeywell, Bank of America, and Merck.

The location of the event is Salone di Palazzo De’ Toschi, Banca di BolognaPiazza Minghetti 4/D, Bologna. Click here to check the address on the map.

The event, dedicated to BBS Community, will be held in English with simultaneous translation in Italian. To partecipate, please register at the portal of BBS Community.


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