Innovation Talk. New Communities of people.

May 17 2016 - ore 18.00 - Bologna Business School - Villa Guastavillani, Via degli Scalini 18 - Bologna

Fabio Zaffagnini, Creator Rockin’1000, will be in the third protagonist of the Innovation Talks with Roberto Grandi, Professor of Mass Communication University of Bologna, who will attend as discussant.

Some information about the speaker and the discussant.

Fabio Zaffagnini, 39 years old, born in Faenza Fusignano, near Ravenna. He worked for many years at the CNR Bologna as marine geologist dealing with surveys and data analysis. After many years of experience as a freelancer, he has created Trail me up. A platform that promotes businesses and the territory that surrounds them through panoramic photos geotagged. All the equipment is inside a backpack. Like the case of the virtual tour of BBS.

In July 2015 he has recruited 250 singers, 350 guitarists, bassists 150 and 250 drummers to set up a record-breaking concert and make a viral video appeal to invite the Foo Fighters in Romagna.


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