A good leader must first of all be a leader of himself.
Self-leadership – at the center of the Self-Leadership essay: Efficient and Effective Leader from the Inside Out – How to Become a More Success – is defined by the authors, the journalist and teacher Ana Lucia Kazan and the motivational speaker Andrew Bryant, as the process by which the individual influences himself to achieve his goals.
Closely related to the concept of self-leadership, we find self-motivation, understood as the basis on which to base that set of needs, skills, motivations and objectives that guide the choices of each leader.
There is no project without will, and this, in turn, derives from full confidence in one’s abilities and in focusing on the various steps of the entire managerial process. But is self-leadership learned or is it an innate gift? “Probably self-leadership, if understood as the ability to self-motivate oneself towards the achievement of one’s goals, is in part an innate capacity, but must be at least trained in everyday life – says Andrea Cinti Luciani, Professor of Strategy and Executive Director of the Master in Business Administration Part-time Weekend.
Such as? “First of all, helping managers to become aware of its relevance as a fundamental element of their leadership within the organization. In this logic, aspects such as emotional intelligence, communication skills, imagination, self-discipline, know-how identifying the objectives to be achieved and the skills and tasks necessary to achieve them are ‘building blocks’ of self-leadership that can be stimulated through a multidisciplinary teaching approach”.
Self-leadership is outlined in the essay by Ana Lucia Kazan and Andrew Bryant as an “inside-out” element, which projects outward intention and influence, starting from those that are identified as the leading components of the leader, or self -awareness, self-confidence and self-efficacy.