A4A – Alumni 4 Alumni. Talents compared

15 November 2019

Third edition of the A4A reunion, in Bologna Business School for the two-day meeting between former students of the Executive MBA program organized by its own protagonists.

Alumni 4 Alumni, born from an idea by Franco Valentini, Emba 2015, wants to create opportunities for sharing without chairs or masters, where every Alumnus can bring their own ideas, experiences and points of view, including speech, presentations and group work. “The aim is for each of us to return to our company on Monday morning with new stimuli to be applied in our field” says Maurizio Pizzirani, EMBA XV and presenter of the A4A 2019 edition.

To open the event, an analysis of the concept of talent, which escapes from a univocal definition. Particularly apt the analogy with the sports field to understand how the talent is not limited to the individual but extends to the entire team. Because every element of a team is essential, even those on the bench and also the reserves – as emerges from the experience of Claudio Corsetti, EMBA XVI, sports journalist, former director of the team that won the Supersport 600 motorcycling world championship in 2013 and author of the book “Emozioni in moto” (Emotions riding a motorbike).

In his analysis, the Motosport is the perfect metaphor of corporate management, where you need to drive, shape, direct and sometimes curb talents: “It’s a seemingly individual sport, because the pilot is in the spotlight, but you win, you suffer and you work as a team”– claims Corsetti.

Likewise, within a company, the results depend on the shared achievement of a goal by a team that is able both to calibrate the capabilities of each piece and to better manage the Italians that participate in it. “Talent, if not placed at the service of the team – warns Andrea Lipparini, Academic Director of the Executive MBA – can be a negative component”.

Following is the testimony of Lorenzo Bernardi, volleyball champion, coach and author of the book “The rule of 9”, which emphasizes how talent can emerge only within a team that gives it a voice. “Only one talent does not guarantee success: the composition of the team is fundamental – Bernardi declares – as even a great talent can lose if he is on the wrong team”.

In the program of A4A 2019 also many other meetings: Lorenzo Massa, professor of Business and Management, tells our Alumni how to deal with corporate complexity through operational tools of contextual leadership; a speech on risk management systems held by Raffaele Manente, a professional with over 35 years of experience, and Gianvincenzo Lucchini, BBS professor and consultant for various companies; a meeting with Pier Francesco Caliari, General Manager of Confindustria ANCMA and communication expert.


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