Over 900 students, alumni, teachers, entrepreneurs and managers have participated at the most important event of BBS. A special occasion devoted to the celebration of the conclusion of the Masters, to strengthen the network and the Community of the school.
The program was opened by the Dean, Massimo Bergami.
“Suspended between past and future , today we celebrate quietly 15 years of the school, founded July 22, 2000. The first year we had about forty students: in 2014 our programs have registered nearly 650 people, not including the on-demand programs, and last year nearly the 40% of the students enrolled in Full-time Masters was coming from other countries.”
The Dean recalled how the school is moving in the challenge of internationalization: “Our Global MBA has earned the EPAS accreditation from EFMD. This is the first Italian MBA receiving that prestigious award. Two new partners have joined the EMBA Consortium we have founded, enriching the opportunities for the Executive area of the School: Cranfield School of Managenent in UK and the Lucas Graduate School of Management in California. Moreover, we offer two new international programs: the Organization & HRM Master for graduating students, and the track in Innovation Management of the Global MBA.
“The women enrolled in our Full-time and Part-time Masters are nearly the 50% , a percentage out of scale compared to the most renowned international business schools. In 2014 we provided Scholarship for 1,360,000 Euro, and 2,100,000 Euro in loans thanks to UniCredit. The school does not receive public funds, but in 2014 we fundraised 868K Euro”.
“Now is starting a new age for BBS, a new story to that we hope to write together with you. We wish that you will continue to learn at BBS, and that you thirst of knowledge may infect the people working with you.”
After that, the welcome greetings by Romano Prodi, President of the Board of Directors, Bologna Business School, Alberto Vacchi, President, Unindustria, and Stefano Bonaccini, President Emilia-Romagna Region, have started the Graduation Ceremony.
The Graduation Ceremony was coming to an end with the awarding of diplomas by the Rector Dionigi to 376 managers of tomorrow who have successfully completed their training course in BBS.
To see some photos of the Graduation Ceremony 2015, click here.