Waiting for the 2015 #BBSReunion, we recover some photos from the previous editions.
Italians do it better (?) was the title of the 2013 Reunion.
The title quoted the famous T-Shirt of Madonna, as a starting point for a serious reflection on the prospects of Italy in global competition.
Among the guests: Romano Prodi, President of the Foundation for World Wide Cooperation, Carlo D’Asaro Biondo, President for the area South and East Europe, Middle East and Africa for Google, Marina Lombardi, Project Leader Enel (BBS Alumna), Martina Masters, Marketing Assistant Admenta (BBS Alumna), Ronald Rwakigumba, NGOs Project / Research Associate (BBS Alumnus), John Carbone, Senior Associate of Carter & Benson, Gian Luca Marzocchi, Professor of Marketing at the University of Bologna, Carlo Boschetti, Professor of Business Strategy at the University of Bologna, Massimo Ghedini, CEO of A. Manzoni & C, Anna Maria Artoni, Managing Director of Artoni spa, Andrea Lipparini, Professor of Corporate Strategy at the University of Bologna, Fernando Napolitano, President and CEO Italian Business and Investment Initiative, Maurizio Sobrero, professor of Technology & Innovation Management at the University of Bologna.