We Feed The Planet

29 May 2015


Bologna Business School supports the project of Carlo Petrini to give young farmers from around the world the opportunity of visiting EXPO.

Terra Madre Giovani – We Feed The Planet is an event which brings together thousands of young farmers, fishers and food producers from all over the world.

Feeding the planet is the biggest challenge our generation has to face. And with EXPO 2015 focusing on exactly this, the world is looking to Milan for answers. But isn’t it senseless to discuss the future of feeding the planet without the presence of Small Scale Producers, young farmers and food producers? We need all voices and opinions: It’s time to give a voice to those who work hard, night and day, to put food on people’s plates. As EXPO comes to a close, Slow Food and Slow Food Youth Network are taking this unique opportunity to bring together thousands of young food producers from all over the world to discuss the future of our food. With a donation, you will enable these ‘Small Scale Producers’ to travel from their home countries to Milan.





For further information about the project visit the official website: www.wefeedtheplanet.com


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