“The European Union: from Austerity to Growth?”

5 May 2014

Enrico Letta

He is 46 years old. He and his wife, Gianna, are the proud parents of three children: Giacomo, Lorenzo and Francesco.

His whole career and thought have been shaped by a strong commitment to Europe. He was born in Pisa (Tuscany) and he spent the first years of his life in Strasbourg. He graduated in International Law at the University of Pisa and obtained a PhD in European Union Law at the School for Advanced Studies “Sant’Anna” of Pisa.

From 1993 to May 2013 he managed an independent think tank, Arel, founded by the late Beniamino Andreatta. He was also Vice Chairman of Aspen Institute Italia, President of the Italy-Spain Dialogue Forum, and a member of the Trilateral Commission.

He served as Minister for EU Affairs (1998-1999), as Minister for Industry, Commerce and Crafts (January-April 2000, during the second D’Alema Government) and as Minister for Industry, Commerce and Crafts and Foreign Trade (2000-2001, during the second Amato Government).

He has been a member of the Italian Parliament since 2001, excluding from 2004 to 2006 when he was a member of the European Parliament.

He was Undersecretary of State to the Prime Minister of the centre-left government led by Romano Prodi from 2006 to 2008.

He also served as deputy secretary of the Democratic Party (PD) from 2009 to 2013.

Enrico Letta was the President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic from April 28th 2012 until February 22nd 2014.

He is the author of many books on international and economic affairs, with particular reference to EU enlargement, including: Euro sì – Morire per Maastricht (Laterza, 1997); Dialogo intorno all’Europa (with L. Caracciolo, Laterza, 2002); L’allargamento dell’Unione Europea (Il Mulino, 2003); L’Europa a Venticinque (Il Mulino, 2005); In questo momento sta nascendo un bambino (Rizzoli, 2007); Costruire una Cattedrale (Mondadori, 2009) and L’Europa è finita? (with L. Caracciolo, ADD Editore 2010)

He is an avid NBA fan and a Milan AC supporter.


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