Marco R.
Di Tommaso

Marco R. Di Tommaso
Full Professore of Applied Economic Studies University of Ferrara

Bologna University (Full Professor of Applied Economic Studies); Cambridge University (Clare Hall College Life-Member Fellow); South China University of Technology (Honorary Professor); South China Normal University (Honorary Professor); Berkeley University of California (BASC Senior Research Affiliate); CiMET – Italy’s National University Centre for Applied Economic Studies (Director); University of Cambridge, UK – Babbage Policy Network (Member of the International Advisory Team); IIPPE: International Initiative for promoting political economy (Council Board Member); l’industria – Review of Industrial Economics and Policy (Director); Competition and Change (Associate Editor); Business and Politics (Editorial Board Member).

After his studies years in Italy and the United Kingdom, He has been a visiting professor in China (South China University of Technology), the USA (University of California Los Angeles), and the UK (University of Cambridge). His research activities are focused on the following subjects: International Industry; Industrial Policy; Development and Structural Change; Local Development, SMEs and Clusters; Chinese Economy, Policy and Industry. He has collaborated with different Italian and foreign universities, specialized research centers, international institutions (UNIDO, CEPAL, UNDP, OECD) and national and local governments. He has promoted and coordinated research projects in partnership with international networks of academics, universities and institutions. He is Principal Investigator of the EU Horizon 2020 Project REMAKING. He has actively participated in the debate within the scientific community by presenting his work in seminars, workshops and conferences, both in Italy and abroad. His papers have been disseminated and presented nationally and internationally: he is the author and co-author of numerous books and about 150 articles published in scientific journals.


The increase of effectiveness of the geographical area policies and strategies (local and regional), also considering the national and European ones, presupposes an improvement in the ability to plan first and then analyze the economic, social, environmental, health-related, productive, technological impacts etc., with the final goal of increasing the Public Value of territories.

The Public Value Manager will be able to support the administration in the definition of public policies and strategies for their implementation, also within a public-private partnership.

Innovation management in multi-local companies

MBA Evening