
Massimiliano Marzo
Associate Professor of Economics University of Bologna Core Faculty
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He is currently Associate Professor of Economics, Department of Management, University of Bologna. In BBS he is Director of Master in Wealth Management, where he teaches a course on Asset Management and Portfolio Theory. His research is on: i) bounded rationality in Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium models and asset pricing models; ii) Long-Run risk and asset pricing with weakly rational individuals; iii) volatility transmission models in Oil Market; iv) correlation modelling in multivariate GARCH and GAS models; v) evaluation of asset management firms. He is coordinating a research project on Bounded Rationality with Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and another project on Real Estate Finance, with a special grant from Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bologna. He is Adjoint Professor of Macroeconomics at Johns Hopkins University, SAIS, Bologna Center. He was consultant for Central Bank of Mongolia and for ION Trading, a leader company on automated trading. He is currently board member of: CPL Concordia, Factorcoop, Simgest and CNS. In the past years, I have been Chairman of the Board of two Asset Management firms: Advam Partners (2015) and Unifortune Asset Management (2015-2017). He held public hearings in front of special committees of Italian Senate on banking regulations and public policy. He has been columnist of ‘Corriere di Bologna’ until 2018. He has a PhD in Economics from Yale University and a PhD in Economics from University of Bologna.


Alternative funds: Hedge and Hedge Funds. Real Estate Funds. Management, assessment, commission regime and internal liquidity and how to allocate them to a capital. Funds linked to alternative investments, such as art and other types.

Basic elements for building an efficient portfolio. The Media-Variance Model and the Capital Asset Pricing Model: Limits and Effectiveness. Robust portfolio models: Black-Littermann and risk parity. Methodologies and Indicators of Investments and Investment Funds.

The course deals with monetary and macroeconomic relations between countries. Specifically, it covers topics such as the foreign exchange market, the causes and consequences of exchange rate movements, the implications of macroeconomic linkages between countries, costs and benefits of the European Monetary Union.