
Rosa Grimaldi
Full Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management University of Bologna Core Faculty
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Rosa Grimaldi is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management at the University of Bologna, Department of Management. Since 2015 she is Vice Rector for Entrepreneurship and relations with companies. She teaches ‘Technology Entrepreneurship’ at the School of Engineering at postgraduate and executive education levels. She is the Director of the Executive Master in Technology and Innovation Management (EMTIM) at BBS (Bologna Business School).

She teaches in different executive programs in the fields of innovation management and entrepreneurship. She is Board Member at Maps S.p.A. In the domain of Universities’ third mission, she is: GEV (Gruppo Esperti Valutatori) ANVUR; member of CTS (Comitato Tecnico Scientifico) ART-ER – Regional Agency in support of Research, Innovation and Technology; member of Scientific Board of NETVAL; member of the Advisory Board of IUSS (Scuola Università Superiore Pavia).

Most of her scientific production is about New Business Creation, Entrepreneurship, and Technology Transfer. On these topics she has publications on national journals and international journals (including Research Policy, R&D Management, Technology and Innovation Management, Journal of Business Venturing, Small Business Economics, Scientometrics, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Technology Transfer).


During this course you will discover strategic, organizational and management methods for innovation development, with a focus on managing new product development within the R&D function and new projects.

Hybrid MBA English edition

Innovation is an important lever for success for small and large companies. The innovative capacity of companies is influenced by several factors, related to: the environment in which they operate (sector, ecosystem, global dynamics and trends); the organizational context (culture, incentives, relationships and knowledge base); the characteristics of individuals and their personal traits (skills, abilities, cognitive characteristics). The success of an innovative process is influenced by factors operating on those various levels. The objective of this workshop is to understand the holistic nature of innovation processes and the interrelationships between different factors that influence their success.

Technology and Innovation