Mariachiara Colucci is an Associate Professor of Management at the Department of Management of the University of Bologna, where she lectures on Business Administration at the undergraduate level and Strategic Management, Corporate Strategy, and Strategic Management for the Fashion System to graduate students. She joined BBS in 2016, where she serves as the Academic Director of the executive MBA (part-time weekend) and where she lectures on Strategic Management to MBA students. Her research activity focuses on inter-firm relationships, brand licensing, creativity and legitimation, sustainability and circular economy. She uses both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Colucci is particularly interested in the fashion industry and the creative industries in general, as well as in the new cultural intermediaries such as digital influencers. Her research output has appeared in respected journals and books like International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, International Journal of Arts Management, The Oxford Handbook of the Creative Industries. She is the author of the book “I confini dell’impresa di moda. Tra sviluppo interno e brand licensing” (McGraw-Hill). Colucci received her Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Bologna. She was invited as a Visiting Scholar by the University of Pennsylvania and the Grenoble École de Management.
From the Business Idea to the Business Model: during this seminar the theme of Business Idea and its articulation in Business Model is discussed. The distinctive features of a solid Business Idea are discussed and some managerial tools are presented to communicate the specificities of a Business Idea. Furthermore, the theme of the Business Model is studied in depth as a logic of creation and defense of value.
MBA EveningThe business’ decision-making process, the planning approach and the strategic positioning. The understanding of the competitive environment and competition dynamics. The process to generate value and the role played in this field by the relationships with other enterprises of the business system. The identification, pursuit and preservation of the sources of competitive advantage in changing contexts. The creation of the business model and its adjustment to the transformation of the framework conditions.
MBA Weekend