Pier Luigi

Pier Luigi Celli
Italy Chairman Sensemakers Extended Faculty
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Pier Luigi Celli was born in Verucchio (Rimini) on 8 July 1942. Married to Marina, he has two children.

Graduated in Sociology at the University of Trento, he gained significant experience as head of the management, organization and training of human resources in large groups, such as Eni, Rai, Omnitel, Olivetti and Enel.

The managerial baggage acquired in the management of large companies with such complex and diversified businesses, allowed him in 1998 to return to Rai as General Manager.

After having held key roles in the start-up of new activities for mobile telephony – Wind and Omnitel – he was, for a short time, at the helm of Ipse 2000, a telephone company for UMTS.

From 2002 to April 2005 in Unicredito Italiano, as Head of the Corporate Identity Department, with the mission of giving an identity to a Group that in recent years has aggregated 7 companies in Italy and 5 abroad. This Department includes external relations, brand coordination, institutional relations, relations with the press, relations with the local area, the social and environmental report and the Unidea Foundation (Foundation of the Unicredit Group).

From May 2005 to July 2013 at LUISS Guido Carli University as-General Manager and from 2013 to June 2014 at Unipol as Senior Advisor for Corporate Identity, Communication and Institutional Relations.

He held the position of President of the Enit from May 2012 to June 2014

From July 2014 to December 2016 in Poste Italiane as Senior Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer.

Since January 2017 President of Sensemakers

Currently Senior Advisor of Doing / Capgemini, Eneryway and Snam Spa

Celli has numerous publications to his credit, including: “The enterprise”, “the shrewd manager”, “The managerial illusion”, “Passioni fuori corso”, “Breviary of well-tempered cynicism”, “Birth and death of an enterprise in 42 letters “,” Company and ruling classes “,” A year in the life “,” Virtues Weak “,” Other exercises of repentance “,” To command is to fuck “,” Courage, Don Abbondio “,” The Generation betrayed “,” The heart has its reasons “,” The company seen by the losers “and” What is management “,” Alma Matrigna – the University of disenchantment “,” Captains without glory “,” Restless Nights “,” The Season of Appointments “and” Power, Career and Life “published in October 2019


INSPIRATIONAL AND MOTIVATIONAL SESSIONS – An opportunity to meet face to face with personalities from the worlds of business and culture who have achieved excellence in their respective fields, to learn about their growth path and the challenges they have faced. In the past, speakers have included: Gherardo Colombo, former Magistrate; Giuseppe Cucchi, General; Mike O’Leary, Ryanair CEO; Milena Gabanelli, RAI journalist. The program will be enhanced further through the proposals and contributions from the community of participants, as in the past editions of the Master program.

Executive MBA