He graduated in Genoa in Economics and Commerce (1974), maintaining his academic attendance over the years, with seminars and courses in Bologna, Genoa and Urbino.
He currently collaborates with BBS for the Master in Business Management for the Retail address.
Since 1974 in MIRA LANZA in the market research sector as a Nielsen data analyst and since 1976 in charge of the sector.
Since 1983 at BUITONI PERUGINA for product and market innovation, strategic marketing and development abroad.
Since 1987 in CONAD as Marketing Director to develop Strategic Marketing, image and promo-advertising policies, the design of distribution formats, the strategy of the private label.
Since 1994 in PANINI figurine as Director of the Italian market.
Since 1996 again in CONAD focusing on the innovation of distribution products (formats and channeling) and customer orientation (creation of the loyalty card and CRM management).
From 2002 to 2012 Director of the consulting and training company Trade Marketing Studio. In addition to the design and implementation of training activities, the consultancy involved the creation of marketing plans, analysis and optimization of assortments, organizational and governance models with particular specialization in associative structures in the food and pharmaceutical sectors.
Currently freelance consultant