Global MBA in Green Energy and Sustainable Businesses: sustainability as a key value at Unibo

5 February 2024

The University of Bologna, the oldest university in the world and at the forefront of sustainability issues, is committed to generating economic, social and environmental value for its community and surrounding area. Unibo has established a sustainability report: a document that allows monitoring the University’s actions towards students, the city and the environment and follows the most authoritative international guidelines, the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standards of the UN Agenda 2023.

Bologna Business School, in partnership with the University of Bologna, has always been at the forefront of the issue of sustainability: the BBS Initiative For Sustainable Society and Business project, a European benchmark that aspires to translate ethics, sustainability and social responsibility into management education programs, is its flagship. With initiatives aimed at the circular economy and actions dedicated to students and stakeholders, the Bologna Business School, thanks also to its Center for Sustainability and Climate Change – an observatory on corporate sustainability that monitors 4,000 Italian companies according to 67 control parameters – wants to give a significant boost to the progress of academic research on Green Economy issues and their dissemination.

The Global MBA in Green Energy and Sustainable Businesses, which is aimed at young managers who see the challenges generated by climate change as an opportunity to improve the future, starting with the concrete impact companies have on the environment, was created in this perspective. A program based on six pillars (Accountability, Ethics & CSR, Law, Technology Management, Strategy, Entrepreneurship) that aims to train professionals capable of planning new scenarios to give pragmatic answers to the now unavoidable issues determined by the requirement for energy efficiency and corporate sustainability.

A 12-month, full-time, English-language program, the Global MBA in Green Energy and Sustainable Businesses puts ethical and responsible dimensions at the center of the managerial vision, with a practical approach aimed at achieving social equity, environmental quality and economic well-being. The Master’s degree is grounded on a Faculty of excellence, composed of, among others, professors such as Alec Ross, former Obama Administration Advisor and Distinguished Adjunct Professor in BBS, and Alon Wolf, Full Professor in Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering and Head of the Biorobotics and Biomechanics LAB Technion – Israel Institute Of Technology.

Thanks to its international network and dialogue with UniBo, Bologna Business School can provide all the tools necessary for the manager who wants to make a difference in the company, launching into a career full of satisfaction and built on an ethical vision of business and the impact it must have on society. Combining classroom lectures with Company Visits in firms that make sustainability a priority, Leaders Speech with executives and personalities related to the issues of clean energy and technological change towards zero impact on the planet, the Global MBA in Green Energy and Sustainable Businesses is a concrete starting point to make a difference not only for one’s career but for the world we live in.

Contact MBA team members for information on study plans and to schedule a meeting, email

Bologna Business School is EQUIS – EFMD Quality Improvement System accredited, one of the most important international quality assessment and continuous improvement systems for Schools of Management and Business Administration.


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