Bologna Business School‘s Global MBA is a one-year program that leads students on a journey of personal growth and professional development to discover luxury, excellence, and innovation. Five tracks – AI and Manufacturing; Food and Wine; Design, Fashion and Luxury Goods; Green Energy and Sustainable Businesses; and Supercars, Superbikes, and Motorsports – to offer a complete panorama of the most current business sectors, with study paths structured in General Management Modules, Orientation Modules, Track-specific courses and Clinics, interactive sessions with executives who provide students with experience and professionalism.
The tracks have different class profiles but are always internationally oriented.
In the GMBA in AI and Manufacturing, the median age of 31, and an average of 88% of students are not from Italy: primarily South America (23%), Africa (18%) and Europe (18%); with female participation over 42% and educational backgrounds of business (35%) and engineering (35%).
The GMBA Design, Fashion and Luxury Goods have an international presence approaching 100%, led by the U.S. (33%) and Europe (33%), with a female presence approaching 88% of the classroom workforce and a clear prevalence of business background (49%).
Green Energy and Sustainable Businesses is the most diverse in terms of origin, with an average of 11 countries represented (Africa 21%, Europe 20%, South America 20%) and an average age slightly higher than the other tracks: 33 years.
The Food and Wine track is attended by mostly foreign students, 88%, mainly from Africa, 29%, and Asia, 29%. Female participation is large, 42%, and the average age of participants is 31 years old.
Most popular with young people (average age 28) and with a representation of students from Asia (33%), USA (22%) and South America (22%) is the Supercars, Superbikes, and Motorsports track.
Academic knowledge and practice come together in a global community.
Set in the context of the oldest university in the world, in one of the most dynamic Italian cities, Bologna Business School hosts students who, coming from faraway places and with the most diverse educational and work experiences, create an open and dynamic environment characterized by internationality. A set of qualities that, with the high management training and Made in Italy attitude of the BBS Global MBA, becomes a unique opportunity for human and professional growth. The best starting point to launch your career in global business.